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Privacy Policy


Españordel Privacy Policy

Last updated: November 23, 2024

(Español Abajo)

At deLily Apps, we respect the privacy of our users and don't sell your data or track you across apps or anything like that. This Privacy Policy explains how our app may collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please do not access our applications.


Personal Data

deLily Apps does not require any personal data from our users. Españordel may be played anonymously. If you wish to backup your stats, study list, and in-app purchases, the option is available to login via your Google or Apple accounts. Your email address will then be stored in Firestore database along with stats, study words, and in-app purchases that you made in Españordel. We will never share, sell, or otherwise disclose personally identifiable info with anybody.


Third-Party Data Collection

As part of the app, we use services such as Google Firestore (to save stats, study lists, and in-app purchases), Google Analytics (because we're curious about how many people are playing and from where), and Google Crashlytics (so we can make sure the app is running smoothly). Google may collect data with these services as explained in their own privacy policies, so we recommend reviewing Google policies if you'd like more information. At some point we hope to sell ads, at which point we may disclose to potential advertisers aggregate stats (e.g., "We have 45,000 daily players in Canada. Wanna buy an ad?).


By using our applications, you consent to this Privacy Policy and the data collection practices of Unity Ads.


If you'd like your data deleted from our Google Firestore database, just email us at or fill out our Delete Your Account & Data​ form.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at



En deLily Apps, respetamos la privacidad de nuestros usuarios y no vendemos sus datos ni los rastreamos a través de aplicaciones ni nada por el estilo. Esta Política de Privacidad explica cómo nuestra aplicación puede recopilar, usar, divulgar y proteger su información.

Por favor, lea esta Política de Privacidad cuidadosamente. Si no está de acuerdo con los términos de esta política de privacidad, por favor no acceda a nuestras aplicaciones.


Datos Personales

deLily Apps no requiere ningún dato personal de nuestros usuarios. Españordel puede jugarse de forma anónima. Si desea hacer una copia de seguridad de sus estadísticas, lista de estudio y compras dentro de la aplicación, está disponible la opción de iniciar sesión a través de sus cuentas de Google o Apple. Su dirección de correo electrónico se almacenará entonces en la base de datos Firestore junto con las estadísticas, palabras de estudio y compras dentro de la aplicación que haya realizado en Españordel. Nunca compartiremos, venderemos ni divulgaremos de ninguna otra manera información personalmente identificable con nadie.

Recopilación de Datos de Terceros

Como parte de la aplicación, utilizamos servicios como Google Firestore (para guardar estadísticas, listas de estudio y compras dentro de la aplicación), Google Analytics (porque tenemos curiosidad por saber cuántas personas están jugando y desde dónde) y Google Crashlytics (para asegurarnos de que la aplicación funciona sin problemas). Google puede recopilar datos con estos servicios según se explica en sus propias políticas de privacidad, por lo que recomendamos revisar las políticas de Google si desea más información. En algún momento esperamos vender anuncios, momento en el cual podríamos divulgar a posibles anunciantes estadísticas agregadas (por ejemplo, "Tenemos 45,000 jugadores diarios en Canadá. ¿Quiere comprar un anuncio?").


Al usar nuestras aplicaciones, usted consiente esta Política de Privacidad y las prácticas de recopilación de datos de Unity Ads.


Si desea que sus datos sean eliminados de nuestra base de datos Google Firestore, simplemente envíenos un correo electrónico a or llena el Delete Your Account & Data​ formulario.

Cambios en esta Política de Privacidad

Podemos actualizar nuestra Política de Privacidad de vez en cuando. Por lo tanto, se le aconseja revisar esta página periódicamente para cualquier cambio. Le notificaremos de cualquier cambio publicando la nueva Política de Privacidad en esta página. Estos cambios son efectivos inmediatamente después de que se publiquen en esta página.



Si tiene alguna pregunta o sugerencia sobre nuestra Política de Privacidad, no dude en contactarnos en

Math Stan

Math Stan Privacy Policy

Last updated: October 12, 2023

At deLily Apps, we respect the privacy of our users and don't collect any data. This Privacy Policy explains how our third-party advertising service Unity Ads may collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you use our mobile applications.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please do not access our applications.

Personal Data

deLily Apps does not collect any personal data from our users. Math Stan may be played pseudonymously. For players who reach the Top 5 leaderboard, chosen user name and chosen user flag will be stored on Google Firestore database (for the purposes of displaying the World's Top Geniuses leaderboard in the app). Other stats of games completed, numbers of correct and incorrect answers, and number of ads watched are also stored (just cause it's interesting and we're curious :). None of this data is connected by us to the player's real identity in any way.

Third-Party Data Collection

Although we do not collect personal data personally, our applications do use Unity Ads, which may collect data as described in their Privacy Policy. Unity Ads is an advertising service provided by Unity Technologies. We use Unity Ads to show advertisements to our users, which helps fund the ongoing development of our applications.

Unity may collect some or all of the following information:

  • Device identifiers, including IP address and Google Advertising ID.

  • Usage data, including in-game events.

  • Other data as mentioned in the Unity Privacy Policy.

We recommend reviewing the Unity Privacy Policy for further information on the data collected by Unity Ads.



By using our applications, you consent to this Privacy Policy and the data collection practices of Unity Ads.


If you'd like all data (user name, user nation, high score, etc) deleted from our Google Firestore database, just email us at or fill out our Delete Your Account & Data​ form.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at

English Miss

English Miss Privacy Policy

Last updated: October 12, 2023

(Español Abajo)

At deLily Apps, we respect the privacy of our users and do not collect any data. This Privacy Policy explains how our third-party advertising service, Unity Ads, may collect, use, disclose, and protect your information when you use our mobile applications. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please do not access our applications.

Personal Data

deLily Apps does not collect any personal data from our users. English Miss can be played pseudonymously. For players who reach the Top 5 on the leaderboard, the chosen username and user flag will be stored in the Google Firestore database (for the purpose of displaying the World's Best Geniuses leaderboard in the app). Other statistics of completed games, numbers of correct and incorrect answers, and number of ads viewed are also stored (just because it's interesting and we're curious :). None of this data is connected by us to the player's real identity in any way.

Third-Party Data Collection

Our applications use Unity Ads, but only "contextual ads," so no data is collected or tracked. See the Unity Ads Privacy Policy for more information.


By using our applications, you consent to this Privacy Policy and Unity Ads practices.


If you wish to delete all data (username, user nation, high score, etc.) from our Google Firestore database, please email us at or fill out our Delete Your Account & Data​ form.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Therefore, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after being posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at


En deLily Apps, respetamos la privacidad de nuestros usuarios y no recopilamos ningún dato. Esta Política de Privacidad explica cómo nuestro servicio de publicidad de terceros, Unity Ads, puede recopilar, usar, revelar y proteger su información cuando utiliza nuestras aplicaciones móviles. Por favor, lea esta Política de Privacidad cuidadosamente. Si no está de acuerdo con los términos de esta política de privacidad, por favor no acceda a nuestras aplicaciones.

Datos Personales

deLily Apps no recopila ningún dato personal de nuestros usuarios. English Miss se puede jugar de forma seudónima. Para los jugadores que alcanzan el Top 5 en la tabla de líderes, el nombre de usuario elegido y la bandera de usuario elegida se almacenarán en la base de datos de Google Firestore (con el propósito de mostrar la tabla de líderes de los Mejores Genios del Mundo en la app). También se almacenan otras estadísticas de juegos completados, números de respuestas correctas e incorrectas y número de anuncios vistos (solo porque es interesante y tenemos curiosidad :). Ninguno de estos datos está conectado por nosotros a la identidad real del jugador de ninguna manera.


Recolección de Datos por Terceros

Nuestras aplicaciones utilizan Unity Ads, pero solo "contextual ads", así que no se colecciona data ni rastrea. Vea la Política de Privacidad de Unity Ads por más información.



Al utilizar nuestras aplicaciones, usted consiente esta Política de Privacidad y las prácticas de Unity Ads.



Si desea eliminar todos los datos (nombre de usuario, nación del usuario, puntaje alto, etc.) de nuestra base de datos de Google Firestore, envíenos un correo electrónico a or llena el Delete Your Account & Data​ formulario.

Cambios en Esta Política de Privacidad

Podemos actualizar nuestra Política de Privacidad de vez en cuando. Por lo tanto, se le aconseja revisar esta página periódicamente para cualquier cambio. Le notificaremos sobre cualquier cambio publicando la nueva Política de Privacidad en esta página. Estos cambios son efectivos inmediatamente después de ser publicados en esta página.



Si tiene alguna pregunta o sugerencia sobre nuestra Política de Privacidad, no dude en contactarnos en

Kanji 2048

Kanji 2048 Privacy Policy

Last updated: October 12, 2023


At deLily Apps, we respect the privacy of our users and don't collect any data. This Privacy Policy explains how our third-party advertising service Unity Ads may collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your information when you use our mobile applications.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please do not access our applications.


Personal Data

deLily Apps does not collect any personal data from our users. Kanji 2048 may be played anonymously.


Third-Party Data Collection

Although we do not collect personal data personally, our applications do use Unity Ads, which may collect data as described in their Privacy Policy. Unity Ads is an advertising service provided by Unity Technologies. We use Unity Ads to show advertisements to our users, which helps fund the ongoing development of our applications.

Unity may collect some or all of the following information:

  • Device identifiers, including IP address and Google Advertising ID.

  • Usage data, including in-game events.

  • Other data as mentioned in the Unity Privacy Policy.


We recommend reviewing the Unity Privacy Policy for further information on the data collected by Unity Ads.



By using our applications, you consent to this Privacy Policy and the data collection practices of Unity Ads.


If you'd like your data deleted, just email us at or fill out our Delete Your Account & Data​ form.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at

Cyber Kanji

Cyber Kanji Privacy Policy

Last updated: March 11, 2024

Personal Data

deLily Apps does not collect any personal data from our users. Cyber Kanji may be played pseudonymously. For players who reach the Top 5 leaderboard, chosen user name and chosen user flag will be stored on Google Firestore database (for the purposes of displaying the leaderboard in the app). When a player reaches the top 5, other stats such as games completed, numbers of correct and incorrect answers, and number of study sessions are also stored (just cause it's interesting and we're curious :). None of this data is connected by us to the player's real identity in any way.

Third-Party Data Collection

Cyber Kanji does not contain ads or analytics software, so no third party collects data (apart from the normal data that's collected by Google and Apple when you use the app stores).


By using our applications, you consent to this Privacy Policy.


If you'd like all data (user name, user nation, high score, etc) deleted from our Google Firestore database, just email us at or fill out our Delete Your Account & Data form.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at

Delete Account

Delete Your Account & Data

Some deLily Apps apps may store data in our Google Firebase database (user name if you've provided one, user country if you've provided one, high score if there's a leader board, email address if you've provided it, etc.)  ​If you would like your account and data deleted, feel free to email us at or fill out this form:

In which apps would you like to have your account / data deleted?

Play Our Apps & Games



Challenge your brain and learn one Spanish word per day with this fun and vibrant Wordle remix. 


Math Stan

Put your intelligence and quick thinking skills to the test in this worldwide competition of math.


English Miss

Expand your vocabulary in both English and Spanish with this fun and simple quiz game.


Kanji 2048

Learn kanji 1-16 with this relaxing and debilitatingly addictive remix of the classic 2048 game.


Cyber Kanji

Learn all the N1-N5 kanji whilst a snarky Japanese AI insults you mercilessly.



Dynamically monitor how much you're making per year, week, day, minute, and even per second!

© 2025 by deLily Apps

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